Agenda - Week 1


1. Self-portrait free writing

2. Review of Agenda

3. Review of Syllabi

4. Origin Story free writing

5. Quiz

Homework for Week 2

1. Read Chapter 1


  1. My name is Grace. It came from my great great grandmother who’s name was Ethel Grace. My name is use and as a reference to the phrase “Gods Grace.” The meanings include charm, goodness, and generosity. I believe this really fits me because I am always trying to make others happy and alway be the best version of myself. My family tells me I am graceful especially during my gymnastics routines. I hear the name grace being said a lot like in prayers and songs. In Greek mythology the name Grace is tied to Beauty and Joy. All my life I have struggled with confidence and reading about my name makes me feel proud and honored of myself,

    1. It posted as anonymous. I meant to change it to Grace Dickherber


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