Alternative Assignment - Danny Quintos Reading


If you were unable to attend the Danny Quintos reading on Wednesday, please watch this Marie Howe reading and leave a comment on this post identifying at least one craft element (AKA key word) that she uses in her poetry. How does this make her poetry more effective?


  1. One of the good craft elements she uses is "outside" Where she uses a broader prospective than usual. This makes her poetry more effective because it makes it more diverse.

  2. She uses voice to show her personality and passion for the story. In her poem, she reimagines a biblical figure in the modern day. Her voice reflects sarcasm and humor, alone with ideas of what can “bedevil” a woman

  3. One craft element that she uses really well, right off the bat, is allusion. The very first thing mentioned in this poetry is an allusion to the bible. The verse that is read, like most allusions, give a kind of credibility to something so creative. The way she starts her poetry like this immediately draws the readers in and gives them something to hang on to throughout the reading.

  4. A craft element that stood out to me was her use of "imagery". She describes times in her life with tonal qualities ranging from nostalgia, to satirical, ironic, and humorous, loving, bitter-- the image she paints are so vivid it's like we are in her literal shoes, in her head almost.

  5. The craft element from her writing that stood out the most to me was her ability to relate to other topics. This is usually considered allusion. She referred to lots of credible sources that helped add depth to her own writing and give it a more individualistic sound in the video. I really like her use of allusion because it makes her work even more creative and interesting.

  6. One craft element that stood out to me was her use of personification. She made ordinary objects come to life. She uses words such as “singing” and “talking” to give life to every aspect of her story. Her poems are filled with life that allow the words to jump off the page. She invokes actions that seem to express her emotions and filter her thoughts.

  7. A craft element that I admire her using is allusion and just bringing a lot of ideas and topics together seamlessly. It’s something I want to do in my writing and want to achieve, but she just nails it. I love her rhythm and how beautiful her writing is, it reminds me of a renaissance painting.

  8. One of the craft elements that Marie Howe had was her tone while reading the poem. To me, it helps the audience realize and understand the tone this poem is trying to convey. I was able to understand why she chose that type of tone instead of a happy or cheerful one. I think it keeps the reader/readers more engaged and interested in continuing to read more work because you might see it one way but the author sees it as another.

  9. Marie Howe did a really good job at infiltrating different craft elements into her poem writing and reading. A couple that stuck out to me were tone, the way she presented her poem was purposeful, and allusion, this can be seen when she alludes to a story in the Bible.

  10. I enjoyed her use of several language techniques. She would use repetition as well as short, snappy sentences to call attention to prominent details of her writing. Her careful and intentional choices of words also painted a story for the reader/listener.

  11. "attainted an astonishing clarity"

    I liked this quote because of the way she said it. It has such a large impact on the viewers and readers who looked or heard this part. I really enjoyed her facial expressions throughout the video. She would portray her emotions throughout her writing and was impactful to see how she wrote it and what she meant behind each word.

  12. In Marie Howe's book, Magdalene, she uses the element of voice several times. Several of the stories are in the voice of a "Marie Magdalene" figure, where she conveys a women who is trying to balance her body and spirit. This woman is having a struggle between the secular and non-secular. She uses an allusion to open up her first poem by quoting a Bible verse. Lastly, Howe writes in the first person point of view through her character that she has created. This allows the readers to understand the thoughts of the character.

  13. Tone is one of many elements of poetry covered in the textbook. Marie Howe does a fantastic job working with tone in the selected poems from her collection, Magdalene, which is a look into the Biblical character's life through verse and thought. I felt like, when listening to Marie read, that I was hearing Mary Magdalene speak through her, and more specifically, her tone. It is obvious that Magdalene is not at a happy point in life. Marie's tone for her character is honest, raw and genuine, and really works to engage the reader and place them in a life next to Mary Magdalene.

  14. She put herself as the character reimagined. Her use of interpreting bible verses to tie into her stories were very interesting. She uses creative elements to discuss how she imagines Mary Magdalene.

  15. One craft element that stuck out to me was her tone. She made the poem sound very purposeful and really conveyed the point of the poem. She chose using a more serious, purposeful tone rather than a happy, cheerful one which helped keep the audience engaged.

  16. One thing that I noticed is that Marie Howe uses imagery to portray Mary Magdalene as a powerful female in a modern society. In these poems we can see certain archetypes of Mary that are used to describe all women. Throughout the work Mary is imagined as gentle, sensual, and intelligent. It is interesting to see how Mary Magdalene would have been in today's society working with today's problems.

  17. Alexis Robin
    I like her word play. She has a good time throughout the story. She has a good rhythm. She uses a lot of repetition and allows us to really focus on what she wants us to.

  18. I liked her choice of words paired with her tone of voice. I think it made it seem more purposeful and kept the audience engaged
    Zoe Brewer

  19. i liked the intonation in her voice. the way she manipulates the tone of her voice adds depth and purpose to her words.


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