Agenda - Week 4


Monday 9/12

  • Review of Chapter 2
  • Facing It by Yusef Komunyakaa
  • Free Write - Write about a pet speaking to you
  • Free Write - Write about a conflict from earlier in your life and how you see it now. 
  • Make sure you completed Friday's Quiz 
  • Chapter 3 - Introduction to Voice

Wednesday 9/14

  • Chapter 3 - Vocabulary related to Voice and Creative Writing 
  • Wrong About the Horse by Alicia Ostriker
  • Analysis 

Friday 9/16

  • Review of vocabulary for voice
  • Quiz 


  1. When I was 16 I wanted a tattoo. All my friends were getting small ones and I thought that it was unfair that my dad never let me get one. So I would be mean and about it and say things I now regret. Realizing now that I don't want a tattoo on my body I am very thankful that me dad never let me get one at a young age


  2. I touch the name Andrew Johnson;
    I see the booby trap's white flash. --- he's having flashbacks of some type of explosion

    Brushstrokes flash, a red bird's
    wings cutting across my stare.
    The sky. A plane in the sky. -- he's looking at the wall and having flashbacks of war. he's setting the scene of war and chaos. This shows the long-lasting impact the war has on him.


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