Agenda - Chapter 7: Development and Revision


Chapter 7- Development and Revision


    • Observe the painting on the cover of this book. Free-associate a list of words it suggests to you. Then free write for ten minutes, anything that has occurred to you. Now compare it to the passage passage you wrote for the warm-up of Chapter 1 or first journal writing. Ask yourself, could you use this passage to enrich that earlier piece?

    • Development and Revision--
      • Developing a draft 
      • structure
      • research
      • revision
      • editing
      • the workshop
    • identify your best 5 writings - so far
    • key words to know in this chapter
    Homework for Monday
    • workshop 
    • bring in a draft for revision
      • or 1-3 short writings 


    1. Abstract, Colorful, Imaginative, Emotion, Interpretation.

      With the list of words I have associated with the cover of this book, I think that my interpretation of this Piece of artwork on the cover of the book is the hidden emotional content within the abstract colors. I think that this stood out more to me during this reevaluation due to my actual involvement with the literature hidden by the abstract colors and geometric shapes. I also think that the more we as a class get involved with the book and it’s content, readers perceptions will change as to what the cover may hold within in it. I say this because everyone interprets literature and images in their own way that is most likely original in it’s pwn way. But personally I see this book cover as a piece of abstract art that allows your imagination to curate the real meaning of these colorful geometric shapes put together. Whether it actually has a meaning or not is for us to never know, as our imagination will always prevail in a situation with abstract artwork. When Imagining what this oddly abstract cover work means, I feel the gears of my imagination slowly ticking along as if it were a clock, slowly unfolding the meaning as if it were the seconds hand making its way around the 12. Is this what the author intended? For readers to truly analyzes their minds behavior when thinking about a simple piece of art, rather than viewing these as shapes and colors we quickly assume mean nothing.

    2. I think the list of words that I used to describe the cover of the book before is similar to what I wrote before because I still believe it is very unique and abstract. I think this time around I definitely dove into more of the meaning behind the cover and its purpose. From my passage from before I focused on more the color and how it goes cohesively with the shapes but didn't really realize why it is as unique as it is. As well as realizing how much I am drawn to it due to how abstract it is.


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