Chapter 6 - Keywords


Please list two of the keywords and their definitions from Chapter 6 in the comments box. Why did the words you chose stand out to you?


  • Conflict
  • Crisis
  • Resolution
  • Protagonist
  • Antagonist
  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Complications
  • Crisis Action
  • Falling action (or denouement)


  1. Antagonist – The force that opposes the protagonist, not always human
    Exposition – Statement of the situation at the beginning of the action.

    1. I picked antagonist because I forgot they can be non-human, and I picked exposition because I did not know exactly what it was.

  2. Conflict and complications stood out to me because I have realized that I am the problem. Im not a bad person really, I just cause my own problems
    Zoe Brewer

  3. Antagonist: represents the obstacles to the protagonist’s desires and may be another human being or some other force- God, nature, the self, and so forth.
    Crisis action: a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator

  4. conflict: a serious disagreement or argument
    crisis: a time of intense difficulty or danger

  5. Protagonist- main character of a story
    Conflict- a struggle or clash in interest

  6. Protagonist- central character
    Antagonist- character or force that represents the obstacles to the protagonist's desires

  7. protagonist- central character
    antagonist- the obstacles to the protagonist’s desires and may be another human being or some other force

  8. Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    This one stood out to me because it was just the first one I saw.
    Exposition - a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.
    This one stood out because I didn’t know what it meant so I wanted to learn.

  9. Crisis: the problem spiking the action bringing us to the rising action.
    Protagonist: the person who we follow throughout the story, explicitly doesn't have to be the hero, just who we follow.

    I chose the words I did because they were ones I felt confident in my understanding of, nothing more

  10. conflict-a disagreement or clashing of ideas
    protagonist- the leading/main character

    I chose these words because we hear them a lot in this class and its easy to loose track of what they actually mean.

  11. conflict- a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one
    falling action- what happens near the end of a story after the climax and resolution of the major conflict

    1. I chose these words because I have heard these a lot in class before

  12. Betty Lundal
    conflict- when a problem occurs in the story
    exposition- information of the characters and settings explained in the beginning of the story

  13. Crisis action - occurs as a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator
    Resolution - when things settle back into their habit of being

  14. Resolution- the ending or conclusion of a work. where the problem is resolved.
    Falling action- the plot or period following the climax of the story.

  15. Protagonist - the hero in the story, the better person
    Antagonist - the villain, the not so nice person

  16. crisis action: occurs at a moments of matured triumph for the narrator.
    exposition: statement or situation at the beginning of the story.

  17. Conflict- a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    Crisis- a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger

    I chose these two because they’re pretty similar and I wanted to know the exact definition and difference between the two

  18. Conflict stuck out to me because it can be many different types and usually makes the story. Like you can have man vs man or man vs society or man vs self.
    Resolution also stuck out to me because it is the solve of the conflict and the resolution can make the end very interesting.
    kate Henderson

  19. Antagonist: the force that opposes the protagonist, not always human
    Conflict: problem of the story

  20. exposition: providing essential background information about the main characters and the world
    resolution: conclusion of a story's plot

  21. I chose
    conflict- serious disagreement or when a character wants something but a problem gets in the way
    Resolution- end of story
    I chose these because I think they are really important to have in a story

  22. Protagonist- the good guy in the story
    Falling action- on a mountain diagram it is the part that comes after the climax

  23. Conflict: Arrives with the mothers, and that conflict undergoes a series of complications.
    Falling Action: mother and daughter retreat to their respective corners and settle back into what is their habit of being

  24. Aidan Reid
    conflict means thwarted, endangered, or opposing desire.
    Crisis means decision or dilemma. in a story it's the do-or-die moment where a character must overcome there obstacle

  25. Conflict - the problem. This stuck out to me because the conflict in a story is what intrigues the reader to continue reading the text or not if the conflict is interesting to the reader.
    Resolution - solving the conflict. This stuck out to me because this is what comes with the conflict, resolving the problem is important for the story to not trail off and have a concrete ending.

  26. Crisis- A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger
    Conflict- A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    I choose these words because I feel like they go hand and hand together.

  27. protagonist - central character
    antagonist - someone/thing that contradicts and fights against the protagonist

    anthony nguyen

  28. Resolution: the ending to a conflict
    Conflict: a problem

  29. Crisis action --> occurs as a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator
    Falling action or denouement --> mother and daughter retreat to their respective corners and settle back into what is their habit of being.

  30. Conflict - a time in which two views clash, a strong disagreement
    Antagonist - the thing that opposes or goes against the protagonist, typically seen as bad

  31. Crisis Action- occurs as a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator, an I told you so moment
    Exposition- statement of the situation at the beginning of the action

  32. Antagonist: represents the obstacles to the protagonists desires and may be another human being or some other force - God, nature, the self, etc
    Conflict: the struggle between protagonist and antagonist, or between two opposing forces

  33. protagonist - leading, "good" character
    antagonist - leading, "bad" character

  34. Conflict: a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.

    I chose conflict and resolution because its theirs always a conflict and resolution in a story.

  35. Crisis action: Occurs as a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator.
    Exposition: Statement of the situation at the beginning of the action, typically a state of unstable equilibrium.

  36. Conflict- the struggle or disagreement in the story
    protagonist-the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

  37. Conflict: a struggle or clash, it’s dissonance.
    Antagonist: represents the obstacles to the protagonist’s desires and may be another human being or some other force- God, nature, the self, and so forth.

    I chose these two because to have a good written piece of text, I think you need to have some form of these.

  38. Exposition- setting up the story, statement of the situation at the beginning of the action (I think this is one of the most important parts of a story but it is often brushed over)
    Crisis Action- a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator, the "I told you so" (I've never heard of this before but it is interesting)

  39. conflict: a serious disagreement or argument
    complications: a circumstance that complicates something
    I chose these because ive had alot of conflicts and complications recently

  40. Antagonist- Who represents the obstacles to the protagonists desires and may be another human being or some other force- God, nature, the self, and so forth.
    Complications- involve force, blame, mistake, submission, anger, and so forth.

  41. crisis action: response to some sort of falling out
    falling action: occurs after the climax and before the resolution

  42. Protagonist: The lead character or active participant within an event that adds something to the event. Withholds a leadership component that No other character seems to contain.
    Exposition: The background information of the characters and their conflicts.

  43. Crisis - a time of intense difficulty, trouble and danger.
    Resolution - when things settle back.

  44. Conflict: A clash of intent or interest between 2 or more characters
    antagonist: Creates obstacles for protagonist, often a character

  45. Conflict- Problem that occurs in a story
    Crisis- a time of intense difficulty
    These stood out o me because they kind of go with each other and I feel like having a conflict and crisis makes a story more interesting.

  46. Exposition- statement of a situation at the beginning of the action which is typically a state of unstable equilibrium.
    Resolution- when the crisis is settled.
    I chose these because I liked their opposition, how one was the start and one was the solution.

  47. 1. Complications = aspects of the conflict that build the plot toward its climax; “knotting up” of the action
    2. Crisis Action = the action taken at the point of highest tension in the story, at which a discovery or a decision is made that decides the outcome of the story

    I chose complications because I’ve always only thought of the building plot line as the conflicts or rising actions. I chose crisis action because it’s also a term I was unfamiliar with and wanted to read about it in context.

  48. Conflict- a struggle between two opposing forces in a work of literature. In literature the conflict of a story is related to the protagonist or main character in some way.
    Crisis action- means decision or dilemma. In a story, it's the do-or-die moment, that last chance where the protagonist must gather all their strength, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and courage in one final effort to defeat the opposing forces guarding the prize.

  49. Antaonist- a character or something that acts against the protagonist
    conflict- a disagreement or clashing of ideas

    I chose these words because they are important factors in most movies and stories

  50. protagonist: main character or one of the most prominent figures
    antagonist: actively opposes someone or something

  51. Exposition: or state of the situation at the beginning of the action, which is typically, as a state of unstable equilibrium.
    Crisis Action: occurs as a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator
    These words stood out to me because they are ways that in a story their is action and I didn't relize the different description of them

  52. Exposition: A statement of the situation at the beginning of an action
    Resolution: The conclusion of the conflict

  53. Conflict: a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    Exposition: a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

  54. Antaonist- a character or something that acts against the protagonist
    conflict- a disagreement or clashing of ideas

    I chose these words because they are important factors in most movies and stories


  55. Conflict: It is the main problem
    Resolution: It is the solving of the conflict

  56. crisis: a problem spiking the action and finally bringing us to the rising action next.
    conflict: a disagreement

    I chose these words because sometimes they might get mixed up.

    Abby Ford

  57. protagonist- the main character of a narrative; usually one with whom we identify
    conflict- the struggle between protagonist and antagonist, or between two opposing forces. considered necessary to narrative, because it generates a desire in the reader to find out what is going to happen.

  58. Exposition: background information added within the story or narrative
    Protagonist: the lead in the story, the one who is the hero or good guy

  59. Protagonist- The central character
    Antagonist- The character who represents the obstacles to the protagonist’s desires
    The words I chose stuck out to me because they were opposing definitions of one another which was interesting to define.

  60. Protagonist: a central character
    Antagonist: Represents obstacles to the protagonist's desire and may be another human being or some other force

  61. The first keyword that stuck out to me was conflict because it is usually the major thing that happens in the story or the thing that the main character has to work through.

    The second key word I chose was resolution because the resolution isn't always something that works out for both sides. Most times both parties lose so much in order to reach that agreement.

  62. antagonist- the opposition of the protagonist. It stood out to me because the antagonist may not always be some evil character we think it to be. It is simply a foil of the protagonist.
    conflict- serious disagreement or argument, the main issue of the story. I chose it because conflict helps the story flow.

  63. Crisis Action: The rising action is reversed into falling action
    Protagonist: The person we follow in the story

  64. Antagonist- The one that opposes the protagonist
    Conflict- A serious disagreement or agrument
    I know what both of these deal with and how they are used and described.

  65. Short-Short Story: A short story that is only 101 words long.

    Crisis Action: a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator. Followed by falling action.

  66. exposition - Statement of the situation at the beginning of the action
    Crisis Action - a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator

  67. Crisis: The point of highest tension in a story, at which a discovery or a decision is made that decides the outcome of the conflict.
    Protagonist: The main character of a narrative.
    I chose these two words because they pretty important in a narrative story.

  68. Crisis Action- Is a moment of triumph for the narrator. Key details and actions build up to this moment.
    Exposition- Statement of the situation at the beginning of the action.
    I chose to define the word Crisis because I often refer to this word as the climax of the story. It was interesting to learn new terminology. I also chose the word exposition because I feel as though we are all at the exposition of our life story. The beginning of our unique stories.

  69. Conflict: basically means the point of either disagreement or danger
    Antagonist: the person or thing that is causing the main complication in the story. Always opposes the protagonists. - Jack P

  70. Crisis Action: a moment of martyred triumph for the narrator
    Antagonist: a character or force that opposes the protagonist; doesn't necessarily mean they are evil-- just opposing the main character

  71. Conflict- An issue or matter that causes friction between members of groups or communities
    Antagonist- A person or character that causes conflict in society or within communities


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