Chapter 8 - Creative Non-Fiction Braided Essay


from A Brief Guide to Essays

Braided Essay
You can braid as many strands as you like, but just like with hair, more than three is hard and less than three is even harder.
Repetition is the key–each thread recurs.
As well as the writer’s own voice, a braided essay can use an external voice to provide details the writer may not have known at the time.
The purpose of the outside voice is to shadow the writer’s voice, according to Brenda Miller in Tell It Slant.
Inside the braid could be a mini-collage, or a list, or a hermit crab. Perhaps a definition useful to the essay, or a quotation.
Repetition is the key. If there’s not repetition, it’s probably a collage.
Some nice braided essays:

For our braided essay. 
A. 1st strand is a childhood memory. 
B. 2nd strand is a news current event that happened over the three months.
C. 3rd strand is about a geographic space, your neighborhood or community.. It can be Kentucky in general, your local town, or something more specific like your house, but it must be detailed - David Foster Wallace.


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