Free Write - Last One

“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” 
― Franz Kafka

Look over your journals and blog posts. Make a short list of your "writing" obsessions. 


  1. Stories from my childhood, the things from childhood that have influenced me the most in my adult life I have found to be the easiest to write about.

  2. - I keep coming back to family
    - I keep coming back to people that I love a lot in my life
    - I keep coming back to how much I look up to my mom
    - I keep coming back to nonfiction
    - I keep coming back to childhood memories
    - I keep coming back to my hometown and how it affected me

  3. Looking back over my journals and blog posts I see that some of my writing obsessions are writing personal free-writes as well as things that have impacted me.

  4. I keep thinking writing about the story of how I found out I was diabetic and the story of I found out how my ex had cheated on me

  5. - my burning hand
    - my backstabbing friend
    - rain
    - storms
    - fear and spookiness
    - dark colors
    - sadness

  6. Past experiences

  7. -hardships that I have overcome
    -people that have taught me lessons
    -friends and family

  8. After looking over my free writes and blog posts, I found that most of the time I write about realistic things that have happened to me or that could have happened to me. For some reason, it is easier for me to write from personal experience.

  9. I obsess over not being better than others, but being better than myself. I obsess over doing what I do best. I obsess over cooking the best food I know possible. I obsess over my childhood trauma, although I won't share it here, I am an open book, incomplete, still looking for answers. I obsess over breaking the stereotype provided for "my people". I obsess over stability for my future due to the fragility of my past. I obsess over treating people right, even if they wronged me- because you never know what hands will be feeding you later in life.

  10. - fiction
    - writing in the first person
    - young love
    - relatable
    - reflection of our current society
    - childhood

  11. In my writing I keep coming back to my childhood memories. More things pop up in my head, so I begin to add my new ideas. I like talking about my childhood because it is something that I remember very very well.

  12. Broken love
    Specific details(stature, hair color, eyes, clothes), in other words imagery
    Using big words to explain something simple

  13. My writing obsessions: 

    My home in Appalachia 
    My family 
    Growing up and mistakes made along the way 
    My current and old friends 

  14. I keep coming back to the ones that i enjoyed writing the most, the ones that i knew what to right about right away, the ones that sparked a memory that i forgot i had.

  15. Something I always come back to in my writing is repetition. I always find myself, especially in my poetry, starting each line of with the same word/phrase.

  16. I like to:
    - write about my own anxiety
    - write down every thought that pops into my head to make the writing seem sporadic yet curated
    - speak about my past so I can really understand every detail and emotion I need to evoke
    - choose words carefully as to evoke a certain set of emotions
    - mix short sentences in with longer sentences for emphasis

  17. Writings about love and I keep writing them in poems. Also I keep writing hidden stories about anxiety

  18. Writing Obsessions:
    - My grandparents’ farm
    - Childhood play
    - Nature/outdoor phenomena
    - Rant writing (past anger that needs to be written out)
    - Poetry when it’s storytelling. I don’t love writing poetry about ideas or thoughts as much as I love writing stories about people, places, and events

  19. Everyone has their own obsessions. Whether it be an artist, music, an animal, a brand, etc. WIth me, my obsession is the love that I have for people, how they use my love, how they give it back and in what condition.

  20. I always come back to a logical approach
    I like to write paragraphs, then make it into another writing form, like a poem

  21. My writing obsessions are mainly about my past , how I dealt with problems emotionally, and how my mental health has changed my life drastically. I also like to talk about my religious experiences and how it’s been a rollercoaster and as well as my Mexican culture because I’m very proud of it and it’s something I want to share with the public so they can adore it. My culture, struggles, and how I was brought up to this world is a big part of me and a big part of my writing. I like to write non fiction and people I’ve met or events that I will never forget. I use writing as a way to dump my emotions out, to get rid of the build up that’s been growing for years.

  22. my name, my cousins, my dog, that one person, feelings of betrayal from other people

  23. Loneliness

    Idea that most works of literature are nothing but Candy flavored air, a sweet nothingness

    Religious/myth allegories

    Philosophical questions and answers that only pertain, and only make sense to me

    Chaos over order, and other ways to represent my abnormal mind in writing so that the reader may, for even a second, glance into its contrived mirror maze machinations

  24. I keep coming back to the person I hate most. Its just too easy to talk shit about people.
    Zoe Brewer

  25. I keep coming back to childhood memories and experiences that really impacted me. I write about good memories, like playing outside and spending time with my mom, as well as bad memories that taught me lessons, like an old relationship.

  26. Obsessions / common in writing :
    - things involved with darkness
    - night/stars/moon/cold
    - honesty (using the writing to help how i feel, letting emotions help write)
    - free style poems
    - the ruff experiences presented in different ways (but only specific things)

  27. I keep coming back to:
    Personal experience
    descriptive feelings

  28. - Nostalgia
    - Childhood
    - Guarded people (learning to “let people in”)
    - The “human experience”- following dreams, etc
    - Deconstructing and emphasizing small, possibly insignificant moments

  29. I keep coming back to horror writing. I am always fascinated by anything scary and I love to see how it is written. I love certain tropes of horror that I have tried to write in my free time. I love how Stephen king over describes everything in his stories because it makes you feel like part of the world he is creating. I also love narrators who have a dark side to them or a secret to keep so I have been trying to implement that.

  30. In my writing i keep coming back to childhood. I find that I like to write about stuff I know and I had a very interesting childhood so I have written about that a lot. I also have a very vivid memory so that helps me to recall my childhood easier and in better detail. I am obsessed with writing about my fears and things I dislike. I could talk about things I dislike forever.

  31. I always find myself coming back to my childhood or things that have happened in the past. I very often chose to write about non-fiction. I feel like if I remember something and it makes me feel a certain way, that’s because that moment had to have had a certain impact on me whether it’s for better, worse, or no reason at all. I find those moments the most enjoyable to write about. I also really like writing about how those moments could’ve gone differently. Writing fiction based on nonfiction is also fun to write about in my opinion.

  32. Somethings that I keep coming back to in my writing are themes of nature, heaven and hell, my queer POC identity, and love. I guess those are the things that keep popping up in my writing the most–I can’t seem to escape them.

  33. I really enjoyed writing about the scariest place I know because I feel like I took a different route with the prompt. I enjoyed writing about some of the best and worst moments of my life, and being able to find the beauty in the pain that I was feeling. That writing gave me an opportunity to understand how the different moments in my life have shaped me.

  34. I feel like most of the stuff I write is about being sad or going through something hard. If it’s not that, it usually is something thats happened to me before, but exaggerated and with more fictional details.

  35. Something I always come back to in my writing is memories from my childhood and my own personal experiences. I always prefer using an event that has occurred in my life, rather than making something up and having to find an ending.

  36. I noticed I obsessed over my childhood or something I had either had interest in/still do or form a connection with what I am writing. I think I stick with those the most because I am comfortable with that kind of writing.

  37. A lot times I write about personal experiences and I have even noticed that my personal experiences influence even my fictional pieces.

  38. I always find myself writing about situations that caused someone else or myself pain. I believe that it is easier to convey messages through emotions because everyone deals with them. Writing through your hard emotions allows you to connect with readers in a personal way, which might allow them to feel what you felt. I also like to write stories with suspense that build up into an "a'ha moment" for the reader.

  39. -Volleyball
    -Making impactful decisions during my life

  40. Major events in the past that have shaped who I am as a person in my life now

  41. Deep detailed description/descriptors
    Describing events and settings to portray real emotion
    Some sort of emotional output, positive or negative.
    Topic of Death, because it’s easy to form a story around and emotions automatically play a role.
    Fictional nonfiction

  42. A common theme in my journal entries and blog posts is personal memories and emotions. I find it hard to write about things that I don't have some kind of personal relationship with or some kind of emotion about. I think my emotions allow me to elaborate more and write better.

  43. As I look back over my journals and free writes I find that most of my work relates back to my personal experiences and childhood memories. I often form fiction and non fiction pieces that incorporate my journey through life and some of the goals and dreams that I have.

  44. The things that I write about consistently in my writings would me the trauma i've faced, my childhood, memories and my emotions mostly because those are the easiest things for me to talk about. I also lean more towards non fiction writing because I don't consider myself to be a very creative person and it is easier for me to write down things that actually happened in my real life.

  45. Alexis Robin

  46. i keep coming back to childhood memories, or people that i have broken relationships within THE past.another thing i keep coming back to is when i left for college.


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