
Virtual Readings - The Next 25


Free Write - Last One

“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”  ―  Franz Kafka Look over your journals and blog posts. Make a short list of your "writing" obsessions. 

What makes exceptional writing?

What qualities do you believe make exceptional writing? ​ What would make a final portfolio exceptional—a 100? ​ Please post your thoughts on what makes for exceptional writing in the comments.

Alternative Assignment - Danny Quintos Reading

  If you were unable to attend the Danny Quintos reading on Wednesday, please watch this Marie Howe reading and leave a comment on this post identifying at least one craft element (AKA key word) that she uses in her poetry. How does this make her poetry more effective?

Virtual Reading - Class Open Mic - The First 25

  Private Video -

Digital Reading of Your Own Work - Link - Due November 30, 2022

  A link that leads to a 2–5-minute recording of you reading a portion of your original work, due November 30, 2022.     You might find these resources helpful in learning how to record on your phone or tablet. Instructions on how upload a recorded video are below. There are others on Youtube.  ·        How to Make A YouTube Video on an iPad (START to FINISH) Links to an external site. ·        How to Post to YouTube in 2022 Links to an external site.